
Term Definition
Early Withdrawal
Withdrawal of funds from an investment before its maturity date or withdrawal of funds from a tax-deferred account before the legally imposed age requirements have been satisfied. Early withdrawals may be subject to penalties.
Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)
A federal law that establishes the regulations under which retirement plans are governed and spells out the federal income tax regulations and effects for qualified retirement plans.
Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plan
A retirement plan sponsored by an employer for the benefit of its employees. These typically fall into one of two types: defined-contribution plans (such as SEP IRAs, 401(k) plans and 403(b) plans) and defined-benefit plans (such as traditional pensions).
The value of real property or a business after all liabilities have been paid. A home worth $300,000 with a $200,000 mortgage would have $100,000 in equity.
Estate Management
The preparations necessary to manage a person's financial and healthcare matters during his or her lifetime and to effectively and economically distribute the assets within that estate upon his or her death.
Estate Tax
Federal and/or state taxes that may be levied on the assets of a deceased person upon his or her death. These taxes are paid by the deceased person's estate rather than his or her heirs.
Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)
A share of an investment company that owns a block of shares selected to pursue a specific investment objective. ETFs trade like stocks and are listed on stock exchanges and sold by broker-dealers. Exchange-traded funds are sold only by prospectus. Please consider the charges, risks, expenses, and investment objectives carefully before investing. A prospectus containing this and other information about the investment company can be obtained from your financial professional. Read it carefully before you invest or send money.
Executive Bonus Plan
An executive benefit paid for by an employer.
A person named by a will or appointed by the probate court to distribute the deceased's assets as directed by the will or, in the absence of a will, in accordance with the probate laws of the state.


Office/Fax (805) 495-2157


200 North Westlake Blvd
Suite 111
Westlake Village, CA 91362